Global Financial Systems: Stability & Risk

Book Title

By: Jon Danielsson
January 2014
Pearson Education
Distributed by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9780273774662
426 Pages, Illustrated
$125.00 Paper Original


Global Financial Systems is an innovative, interdisciplinary text that explores the ‘why’ behind global financial stability. Danielsson draws on economic theory, finance, mathematical modelling, risk theory, and policy to posit a coherent and current analysis of the global financial system.


Author’s acknowledgements

Publishers’ acknowledgments


1 Systemic risk

1.1 Case study: the 1914 crisis

1.2 The concept of systemic risk

1.3 Who creates systemic risk?

1.4 Fundamental origins of systemic risk

1.5 Summary


2 The Great Depression 1929–1933

2.1 Build-up to a depression

2.2 The Great Depression

2.3 Causes of the Great Depression

2.4 Implications for future policy

2.5 Summary

3 Endogenous risk

3.1 Millennium Bridge

3.2 Dual role of prices

3.3 Risk

3.4 Dynamic trading strategies

3.5 Actual and perceived risk and bubbles

3.6 The LTCM crisis of 1998

3.7 Conclusion

4 Liquidity

4.1 The liquidity crisis of 1998

4.2 What is liquidity?

4.3 Liquidity models

4.4 Policy implications

4.5 Summary


5 The central bank

5.1 The origins of central banks

5.2 Banking supervision

5.3 Monetary policy

5.4 Financial stability

5.5 Bailing out governments

5.6 Challenges for central banking

5.7 Summary

Appendix: central bank interest rate


6 The Asian Crisis of 1997 and the IMF

6.1 Building up to a crisis

6.2 The crisis in individual countries

6.2.3 South Korea

6.3 Reasons for the crisis

6.4 Policy options for the crisis countries

6.5 Role of the IMF

6.6 Wider lessons

6.7 Summary


7 Banking crises

7.1 Money and early banking

7.2 Moral hazard

7.3 Costs of banking crises

7.4 Causes of banking crises

7.5 Bank and banking system failures

7.6 Summary


8 Bank runs and deposit insurance

8.1 Bank runs and crises

8.2 Modelling deposit insurance

8.3 Pros and cons of deposit insurance

8.4 Summary


9 Trading and Speculation

9.1 Trading scandals and abuse

9.2 Trading and risk

9.3 Trading activities

9.4 Policy issues

9.5 Summary


Appendix: basic terminology of trading

10 Credit markets

10.1 Market for credit

10.2 Credit rating agencies

10.3 Credit models

10.4 Margins, haircuts and mark–to–market

10.5 Securitisation

10.6 Summary

11 Currency markets

11.1 Fixed or floating

11.2 Foreign exchange interventions

11.2.1 Sterilisation

11.3 Capital controls

11.4 Exchange rate regimes

11.5 Perils of overvaluation

11.6 Undervaluation and ‘currency wars’

11.7 Reserve currency

11.8 Summary

Appendix: exchange rate regimes


12 Currency crisis models

12.1 First-generation models

12.2 The Argentinean crisis

12.3 Second-generation models

12.4 European crisis 1992–1993

12.5 Global games currency crisis model

12.6 Summary


13 Financial regulations

13.1 Banking regulations

13.2 Bank capital

13.3 International financial regulations: Basel

13.4 Summary

Appendix: Value-at-Risk


14 Bailouts

14.1 Successful and unsuccessful bailouts

14.2 The historical origins of lending of last resort (LOLR)

14.3 What are bailouts?

14.4 Alternatives to bailouts

14.5 Bailouts in the crisis starting in 2007

14.6 Bailouts, moral hazard and politics

14.7 Model of asset bubbles

14.8 Summary


15 Dangerous financial instruments

15.1 Complexity kills

15.2 Derivatives

15.3 Credit default swaps

15.4 Collateralised debt obligations

15.5 Summary

Appendix A: mechanics of CDSs

Appendix B: CDO calculations


16 Failures in risk management and regulations before the crisis

16.1 Regulatory failures

16.2 Capital and the crisis

16.3 Summary


17 The ongoing crisis: 2007–2009 phase

17.1 Build-up to a crisis

17.2 Hidden and ignored risk

17.3 The changing nature of banking

17.4 Crisis 2007–2008

17.5 Was it a subprime crisis?

17.6 Policy response

17.7 Summary


18 Ongoing developments in financial regulation

18.1 New and changed institutions

18.2 Basel III

18.3 Liquidity

18.4 How much capital?

18.5 Recovery and resolution

18.6 What about too big to fail?

18.7 Summary


19 Sovereign debt crises

19.1 Newfoundland

19.2 Sovereign debt

19.3 Enforcement

19.3.1 History lessons

19.4 Background to the European sovereign debt crisis

19.5 Summary



