Management & Organisational Behaviour, 9th edition

By Laurie J. Mullins
Pearson Education
October 2010
ISBN: 9780273728610
859 Pages, Illustrated
$120.00 paper original

The essential introduction to management and organisational behaviour – over half a million students worldwide have used Management and Organisational Behaviour to help them learn. Written in an engaging style and packed with contemporary references to management research and practice, this book continues to be the Organisational Behaviour text of choice for today’s students.

This ninth edition brings a wide range of brand new and intriguing examples and case studies on issues and organisations that are engaging, relevant and contemporary. It also provides the latest research and new coverage of hot topics such as corporate responsibility and ethics, diversity, and organisational learning. The breadth of appeal of this text makes it ideal for Management and Organisation courses from undergraduate up to MBA.

A range of real life examples and case studies illustrate the theories of human behaviour at work, and the influence of individuals, leaders and groups on organisational performance.

Using frequent questions and exercises, a clear layout, and additional online resources, this book will enable you to

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