Fundamentals of Retailing & Shopper Marketing

By Jan Hillesland, et al.
February 2013
Pearson Education
Distributed by the Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9780273757399
340 Pages
$75.00 Paper original

Fundamentals of Retailing and Shopper Marketing is an ideal companion text whether you are in marketing, in manufacturing, work for an advertising agency or if you work in retail. 

The book focuses on the sharp end of the retail industry and, through real-world examples, shows students and practitioners best retail practice.

The text includes models, illustrations and photographs. It is practical, visual and easy to read and teaches you how to transfer your know-how to your own brand, marketing strategy, student assignment or retail environment.



Publishers acknowledgements

About the team


Becoming a specialist in shopper marketing

Part One: the marketing discipline

Chapter 1: The marketing discipline, as we know it today, has to change

Traditional advertising is losing its effect

Current shopper marketing is based on feelings not facts


Contradictions and similarities between suppliers and retailers

Part Two: strategy

Chapter 2: The product and the brand


Positioning and differentiation

Brand pictura

Chapter 3: Product portfolio and brand architecture

The size of a portfolio

Brand architecture

Use more time on your current portfolio rather than on innovation

Chapter 4: Brand portfolio and profitability

Chapter 5: Introduction to consumer and shopper segmentation


Chapter 6: Consumer segmentation

What is consumer segmentation?

Segmentation models

Chapter 7: Shopper segmentation and shopper mission

Introduction to shopper segmentation

Segmentation and basic shopper/channel research

Priority order of shopper segmentation

Shopper missions

The Unilever studies

Shopper segmentation

Shopper profile

Chapter 8: Channel segmentation

Target groups and channels

Total market, category, brands, shopper segments, channels and individual retail chains

Financial performance

Chapter 9: What are the aligned prioritised commercial opportunities?

Strategic framework

Part three: in-store shopper marketing

Chapter 10: Introduction to shopper marketing


Act based on facts – do the shopper research!

Increase revenue


Chapter 11: The complexity of modern retailing

Thomas Rudolf and Jan Niklas Meise, St Gallen, Switzerland

Complexity for managers and consumers

Countering complexity through differentiation

Differentiated retail firms


Chapter 12: retail structure

Odd Gisholt, BI, Norway


Sales methods and chain management

Strategic decisions in retailing

Retail trends

Private labels


Market logistics

Marketing shopping centres in Europe

Chapter 13: Positioning and advertising for retail chains

Alf Bendixen, BigBlue&Company, Norway

Retail chains

Chapter 14: retail distribution, traffic and bonding



Leaflets and direct mail

Location and habit

Increase bonding and loyalty

Chapter 15: Loyalty programmes

Truls Fjeldheim, Norgesgruppen, Norway


History and background

Different types of loyalty programmes/cards

Loyalty programme content

How to develop a CRM activity plan using sophisticated segmentation models

How a loyalty programme can drive growth and profitability

Chapter 16: inside the supermarket

Inside the supermarket

Chapter 17: Retail atmospherics

Shoppers and the in-store atmosphere

Design factors

In-store layout

Colour and light


Atmospheric background factors: music, scent and touch

Social factors

Summary discussion and further research

Chapter 18: Optimise location and floorplans

Be present in a relevant location in the shop

Chapter 19: Category merchandising and category management

Category merchandising

Category management

Chapter 20: Merchandising on shelf: range and assortment

Merchandising on shelf

Category and brand drivers

Merchandising basics

Let sales results be the driver

Choose relevant competitive adjacencies

Shelf-ready packaging (SRP)

Range and assortment

Chapter 21: pricing

Relative pricing

Price strategy

Price elasticity – how to use it

Chapter 22: Point of sales (POS) and promotions

POS is advertising in-store!

Loyal shoppers and consumers


POS: basic testing

In-store media

Chapter 23: packaging design

Jesper Clement, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

The role of packaging design

Chapter 24: Implementation

Implementation of shopper marketing as a discipline





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